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Ask the Experts Peyote Q&A
Ask the Experts Peyote Q&A
Q: I am beading a bracelet that is odd count flat peyote (Delica size 11 beads). I am beading it by holding it in my fingers, but when I set it down flat on the table top, it is wavy on the edges. If I flatten the top, the bottom becomes wavy. If I flatten the bottom, the top becomes wavy. Doesn't matter if I use single needle or two needle. What am I doing wrong and can I fix it or should I take it all apart and start over and be careful not to do what?
Ask the Experts Business Ethics Q&A
Ask the Experts Business Ethics Q&A
Q: I find great inspiration from the Gallery of Designs and the Beading Instructions. Will I get in trouble if I make and sell my jewelry using inspirations from these resources?
Ask the Experts Beaded Curtain Q&A
Ask the Experts Beaded Curtain Q&A
Q: I want to make a beaded curtain for a door. What kind of wire should I use considering the large number of beads that go onto one strand? Secondly, what is the best way to attach the strands to a rod? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Ask the Experts Beading Patterns Q&A
Ask the Experts Beading Patterns Q&A
Q: I have a bracelet that is made with seed beads. I want to learn to do the pattern so I can make my own. Where would you suggest I look for great patterns to learn from? thanks!
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