Ask the Experts Glass Pearls Q&A

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I love to use vintage glass pearls in my pieces, but very often these old pearls have a coating that is flaking off. While it adds to the character of the piece, I worry that, with wear, the coating will come off entirely. Is there some way to seal the pearls to prevent more of the coating coming off? I've seen Designaseal mentioned in many of these articles--is it appropriate for glass pearls, or will it destroy the coating? Thank you!

- Tracy

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A top-coat can be used to coat, seal and protect the outer surface of the glass pearls as well as gemstones, acrylic, glass and more. Top-coat options include Mona Lisa™ Metal Leaf™ top coat sealant and Vitrium Clear Protectant sealant. Do not coat natural pearls as this can permanently damage the nacre and luster of the pearls. It is recommended to test on one pearl before applying a sealant to your entire supply.

Use a paintbrush to apply a thin layer of top-coat to the beads then let dry. Mona Lisa Metal Leaf is dry in approximately 15 - 30 minutes and if desired, a second coat can be added. A full drying time of 24 hours is recommended. Vitrium sealant can also be used on paper and other materials. The top-coat can wear off depending on the amount of wear and cleaning practices. If this happens apply a new layer of top-coat.

- Michelle Wood, Jewelry-Making Expert