Judy Larson

Meet the Designer-Artist

Where do you live?

I live in Baudette, Minnesota, on the Rainy River, which separates the U. S. and Canada.

What inspires you as a designer-artist?

My memories, family, travels and the world around influence most of what I do. Since both my parents grew up in the 1920's, 30's and 40's, they learned to make and do anything. My two brothers and I followed in their footsteps, although I think both my brothers are way more talented than I am.

What medium do you work with mostly?

I know I will never live long enough to see everything I want to see, do everything I want to do and learn everything I want to learn. Limiting myself to doing just one thing is not in my future. I love building big things, like furniture and making small things, like jewelry. As far as jewelry goes, I prefer to work with Argentium silver and silver metal clay. Using those two, creating almost anything is possible.

Why did you become enchanted with this style of jewelry-making?

Pop beads were a creative staple for every young girl in the early 1950's, me included. Hours of fun and creativity “stringing” beads ensued. And then along came a sterling charm bracelet on my 13th birthday, and a love for all things tiny that carried memories cemented my love of jewelry. By the time I was in my 20's, I had made my first silver and turquoise cuff. Marriage, children, and work took up most of my time for many years, so only a few pieces could be made, but the itch was always there. And then along came retirement and it was off to the races! I love how tools and supplies have advanced in the intervening years! I am having a great deal of fun creating one of a kind pieces for my family that celebrate events and/or places.

For years after I retired, I wrote beginner and intermediate jewelry making tutorials for wire and sheet metal as well as taught jewelry making classes through community education at our local high school. I have now cut back, sell a few pieces in my home town and my daughter and husband sell some on their website, Honey and Flint. For the most part, I now just make things for fun and write a few tutorials on the side.

There might be a moral there--you are never too old! And I just read an article about how creativity can helps stave off dementia so CREATE AWAY!

What is the name of the piece you submitted with your success story?

Mormor's Fairy Garden