Ask the Experts Gemstones/Druzy Q&A

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What on earth is druzy and what is druzy quartz and blue lace agate druzy? Merriam-Webster on-line does not recognize the word druzy.

- Irene

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Druzy occurs when mineral deposits seep through stone cavities and crystallize within—and on the surface of—the stone. Quartz and agate stones fracture with the earth's pressure and allow crystalline structures to occur. Amethyst quartz is popular in pendant jewelry. Stalactites and geode slices often reveal a core of druzy mineral deposits, also. 

It is not so easy to find similar pieces for earrings, but the fun task is finding two that are compatible. Due to that challenge, there is manufactured Druzylite™ links and drops in a range of colors.

The word druzy has a few spellings also—it can be druzy, drusy or drusie.

- Sandra Lupo, Metalsmith, Jewelry Artist and Instructor