Ask the Experts Metal Allergies Q&A

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I'm making a necklace with a pendant for a sister-in-law who has metal allergies. The pendant measures 3.5" long. I thought of making the necklace long enough to slip over the head so no metal findings would be used, but with the pendant so long, it would hang too low to look good. How would you finish a shorter necklace (16-17") without using metal findings?

- Renee

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An adjustable neckcord can be used to hang the pendant at versatile lengths without a metal clasp. To see how this knot is made, view the "Knots Tutorial" video. Use this knot on leather, satin and other smooth cording for an effective adjustable knot; choose a color that complements the pendant for a custom design look. 

There are also several gemstone, bone, plastic and other products that would fit your need for non-metallic closures.

- Sandra Lupo, Metalsmith, Jewelry Artist and Instructor