Ask the Experts Seed Beads Q&A

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I would like to know how to get started with seed beads. I want to seed bead a 5" hoop to make a dreamcatcher. All I want to do is the outside (if not) the hoop in seed beads. Thank you.

- Bev

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We have a great dreamcatcher design you could easily adjust to your desired size, and then add seed beads to beading wire where she used cording.

In the Native American tradition, stories are told about the night air being filled with dreams, both good and bad. The dreamcatcher is a gift from the spider and the willow tree. Dreamcatchers were often given to a child at birth for protection from bad dreams. It was hung above where the baby slept. The bad dreams would get caught in the web. The bad dreams would become trapped in the beads and the good dreams flowed through the center of the web to you as you slept. In the morning, when the sun came up, the bad dreams were destroyed. I hope your dreamcatcher keeps bad dreams away for you.

- Kristal Wick, Designer, Author and Jewelry-Making Expert