Wrap Up Holiday Sales with Style

It's that time of year again--putting the final touches on winter jewelry lines, planning for holiday bazaars and gearing up for Christmas shoppers. Be ready for the holiday rush with both practical and personalized gift packaging options to give your handcrafted creations the presentation they deserve.

Holiday shoppers are looking for the perfect gifts, and it's even better when they can take away their treasures already packaged and ready for gifting. They'll appreciate the time saved and the professional look. You don't need to spend a lot of money--or time--to offer attractive packaging options to your customers.

Keep a supply of jewelry gift boxes, bags and pouches in various sizes near your point-of-sale area.

Choose consistent colors, materials or decorative themes for consistent branding. Shoppers standing in line are likely to grab them as instant packaging for their purchases. Display elaborate gift boxes like velvet, leatherette or cloisonné near like-sized items. Many shop owners offer gift boxes and pouches for free… it's an inexpensive holiday business cost, and a wonderful gesture to your customers. Also, customers with hectic schedules appreciate gift-wrapping services and gift cards to wrap up their holiday shopping.

8 Jewelry Packaging Ideas to Add Your Signature Style to Your Sales:

  1. Gift boxes and bags glisten when embellished with hot-fix crystals, flat-back rhinestones and glitter
  2. Dangle charms or birthstones from package ribbons for personalization
  3. Reuse fabric and lace remnants as wrapping paper and tie them off with ribbon
  4. Rubber stamp your store logo or other designs on plain paper and use as gift wrap
  5. Place jewelry pieces in small boxes full of colorful seed and bugle beads
  6. Use small ornaments or large focal components as gift tags
  7. Attach beads, bells and crystals to the ends of ribbons and cords
  8. Decorate packages with natural embellishments like twigs, dried berries, shells and gemstones

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