Ladder Stitch, How-To


Ladder stitch is used to create the first row for many stitches, including brickstitch and herringbone. It can also be used on its own to be worked to whatever length you like.

There are many variations on how to create the ''ladder,'' this tutorial covers the single-needle, single-thread method--or what is also referred to as the traditional ladder.


Step 1
two beads on a thread

Cut a comfortable length (roughly two yards) of thread. Thread a needle onto the end first off of the spool. Thread on the first two beads in your pattern.

Step 2
thread looped through two beads

Pass the thread back through the first bead strung.

thread looped through two beads

This will form a circle with the thread as well as position the beads so the bead holes are facing out.

Step 3
thread looped through two beads

Pass the thread back through the second bead strung.

Step 4
thread looped through three beads

Pick up the third bead in the pattern then pass the thread through the second bead strung.

Step 5
thread looped through three beads

Pass the thread back through the last bead strung.

Step 6

Continue picking up new beads, passing the thread back through the previous bead, and back through the new bead until you reach the length the pattern suggests or to the length you prefer.

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