How to Use the Bead Buddy® Cabochon Mandrel


Follow along with Rose to see the easy way to wrap an oval cabochon using the amazing Bead Buddy® cabochon mandrel.


Step 1

Cut three 12-inch lengths of wire and four 3-inch lengths of half round wire.

Step 2

Match up then mark the center of the three 12-inch lengths of wire. Place a piece of tape approximately 1/4 inch from the center on either side.

Use one 4-inch length of half-round wire to create neat side-by-side wraps, working from one piece of tape to the other, along the center of the wire. Finish with both ends of the wire on one side of the base wires then trim excess wire.

Gently compress the wraps to secure and conceal the ends of the wire. Remove the tape from the base wire.

Step 3

Bring the wrapped wire around the desired sized step on The Bead Buddy® cabochon mandrel. Mark the center of each side of the wires wrapped around the mandrel. Remove the cabochon setting from around the mandrel then create a band at each mark.

Step 4

Place the wires back over the mandrel then gather the six ends were they meet. Bend the ends of the wire at a 90-degree angle where the wires meet. Use the last length of half-round wire to bind the ends together just above the mandrel.

Step 5

Remove the setting from the mandrel then fold the back two ends of wire over toward the back of the setting, creating a loop. Wrap one end of wire around the base of the loop securing it and creating a bail.

Use a needle tool or pliers to gently separate the wires in each section between the bands.

Step 6

Insert the cabochon into the center of the setting then bend the sections of wire on front and back of the setting over the cabochon to secure it in place.

Step 7

Use a pair of pliers to form the remaining ends of wire into decorative accents around the cabochon.

Mandrel Sizes

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