Where do you live?
Fort Worth, Texas USA
What inspires you as a designer-artist?
I love to work with my hands. I've always been intrigued by art and started out with drawings, graduating to portraits and now I have begun a journey into a whole new venue.
What medium do you work with mostly?
I work mainly with gemstones, some glass, metal clay and crystals/beads as accent pieces.
Why did you become enchanted with this style of jewelry-making?
I enjoy cruising the internet and came across a style of wire-wrapped jewelry by Lunarieen in the UK. I fell in love with the sheer beauty of this kind of artistry.
Where and How do you sell your jewelry?
I have my own website as well as a Facebook small business page. Adams Handcrafted Jewelry is my domain name.
What is the name of the piece you submitted with your success story?
Queen's Jewel
What inspired this design?
This was a special order for a client. She wanted something in purple and fine silver with a regal style, yet with simplicity as well.
How did it come together?
I look at a gemstone, in this case a chevron amethyst, and envision how I can enhance the piece with an original wire-wrap creation. I always draw my designs out on paper before beginning. Sometimes a pendant will come together as I had planned as this one did; however on other occasions a gemstone will have a mind of its own and then I allow myself to go with the flow.