Design Idea HC0G
The Schiller Effect
-- Designer --
Rose, Jewelry Designer, Exclusively for Fire Mountain Gems and Beads®
To learn more about Rose Wingenbach, read her jewelry artist success story here.
: : : Materials : : :
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Please take the creative opportunity to select the products of your choice for this design, offered here at Fire Mountain Gems and Beads. Some materials may not be available or listed.
Cut one 20-inch length of Accu-Flex® professional-quality beading wire.
String onto the beading wire: one crimp and one Accu-Guard™ wire protector. Pass the beading wire back through the crimp. Pull the beading wire so the crimp rests snug against the Accu-Guard leaving approximately 1/4 inch of beading wire on the end. Crimp then trim the excess from the short end of the beading wire. Finish with a 4mm crimp cover.
String onto the beading wire:
Repeat Step 2 then pass one 5mm jumpring through the Accu-Guard at one end of the strand then close. Pass a jumpring through the Accu-Guard on the opposite end of the strand and through one lobster claw clasp then close.
Cut four 4-inch lengths of gold-filled dead-soft round wire.
String one sunstone top-drilled puffed teardrop onto one 4-inch length of gold-filled, dead-soft round wire then create a briolette wrapped loop.
Repeat to create a second sunstone drop, for the second earring.
Create a wrapped loop onto one end of one 4-inch length of the dead-soft wire and string one peridot 5mm flat round onto the wire then create a second wrapped loop, creating a link.
Repeat to create a link for the second earring.
Use a 2.8mm jumpring to attach one sunstone drop to one link then attach an earwire to the opposite end of the link.
Repeat to create a second earring.
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