How to Create a 4-in-1 Half Persian Chainmaille Weave


Half Persian 4-in-1

Step 1
Passing a jump ring through four jump rings

Pass a jump ring through four closed jump rings. Close the jump ring. Position the rings as shown.

Step 2
Lay a closed jump ring behind the left most ring.

Lay a closed jump ring behind the left most ring. Pass a jump ring through the three left most rings of the chain and the added jump ring as shown. Close the jump ring.

Step 3

Lay a closed jump ring behind the left most ring. Pass a jump ring through the three left most rings of the chain and the added jump ring as shown. Close the jump ring.

Continue this half Persian 4-in-1 pattern until you have reached the desired chain length.

Half Persian 4-in-1 on Wire

Step 1

Create a loop on the end of a 3-inch piece of wire. The loop needs to be larger than the inside diameter of your jump rings.

Step 2

Place four closed jump rings on the wire.

Step 3

Pass an open jump ring through the eye created by the two left jump rings on the wire. Bring the open jump ring back up through the eye created by the two right jump rings on the wire. Close the jump ring.

Step 4

Place a closed jump ring on the wire, placing it behind the right most ring of the chain.


Pass an open jump ring through the eye created by the second and third rings (from the left) on the wire. Bring the open jump ring back up through the eye created by the last two rings on the wire. Close the jump ring.


Repeat this step until you reach the desired chain length. If the chain becomes longer than the wire it will be more stable. At this point you can place the chain on your work surface instead of the wire without the jump rings becoming jumbled.

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