Create a Polymer Clay Pendant Featuring Sgraffito


Follow along with award-winning polymer clay artist Christi Friesen as she walks you through the steps to create a pendant with a sgrafito design, an ancient technique made by scratching through a surface to reveal a contrasting color.


Step 1

Condition colors of polymer clay in your hands or by running it through a poly-roller machine until it's soft and pliable. Roll the dark color of clay once more on the thickest setting creating a sheet about the thickness of a quarter then roll the lighter clay through on almost the thinnest setting, about the thickness of a dime.

Step 2

Lay the dark colored clay onto a flat work surface then lay the light colored clay onto the dark clay. Using your fingers, press the two together.

Tip: Polymer clay sticks to itself when you press them together.

Step 3

Press the bezel into the clay like a cookie cutter, creating border around the surface you'll work on.

Step 4

Using the needle tool, scratch a design of your choice onto your clay inside the cut-out shape you created with your bezel.

Tip: The design should create a scratchy and rough look as the black clay will show through.

Step 5

Using the slicer blade, slice the blade through the clay and pull away the excess clay, trimming out the clay design created by the bezel earlier.

Step 6

Insert the clay design into the bezel to fit it.

Tip: If the design is too large, trim any excess clay.

Step 7

Remove the clay from the bezel. Apply a small amount of Signature Series Poly Bonder™ by Lisa Pavelka into the bezel. Gently press the clay design into the bezel.


  • Applying the adhesive before baking bonds the clay to the bezel more permanently, however you may apply the adhesive after baking
  • Gently press the clay into the bezel to keep the design intact
Step 8

Insert your needle tool through hole in the bezel to create a hole though the clay so that a cord or chain may later be inserted.

Step 9

Use an artist brush to apply mica powder to the design, if desired.

Step 10

Bake according to manufacturer's instructions.

Note: Polymer clay does not air dry.

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