Creating a Polymer Clay Leaf


Learn how to make one of award-winning artist Christi Friesen’s favorite polymer clay leaves in this short and easy clay tutorial, using Premo! Sculpey® jewelry clay.


Step 1

Condition green Premo! Sculpey® polymer clay by hand or by running through a polymer clay roller until it is soft and pliable.

Step 2

Form a ball the size of a small grape out of the conditioned polymer clay then roll into a teardrop. Flatten the clay until it is as thin as a dime.

Step 3

Use a needle tool to make parallel lines down the face of the polymer clay leaf. Fold the ends of the thin side of the leaf together then roll the excess folded clay end into a stem.

Step 4

Apply a small amount of mica powder to the inside of the road kill leaf then bake according to the manufacturer's instructions and allow to cool.

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