by Christi Friesen, Award-Winning Artist, Author and Educator, Exclusively for Fire Mountain Gems and Beads®
Polymer clay expert and renowned artist Christi Friesen is back in the studio to lead us through this exciting 10-part series outlining her top techniques and secrets to creating with polymer clay.
Meet your guide for the Secrets to Polymer Clay Series. Christi Friesen regales us with her introduction to sculpture and transition into her life as a full-time maker. She offers encouragement and a genuinely friendly start to our exciting 10-part journey through this versatile material.
The second project is a bead of a different color! Learn how to marble, twist and blend clay colors to create eye-catching patterns. Then take the detail a step further with the incorporation of jewels and pearls. Learn what sparklies are safe for baking and essential tips for easy and beautiful drops.
The fourth project is getting dimensional! Learn how to bring depth to your sculpted forms with mica powder. You'll be amazed how this simple technique can bring big luster and added interest to your polymer clay pieces.
Learn how to create a mysterious brooch in the fifth project of this series. Christi shows you how to create your own polymer clay bezel to capture your favorite cabochon in beautiful details.
The sixth installment is both a suncatcher and a pendant! Learn how to hollow out a faux stone piece to create a secret, wearable window. Simple canes and transparent clay create a stained glass look with a truly magical effect.
Part 7 has us all aflutter. This blingy butterfly is the perfect project for practicing rhinestone application. Learn how to achieve brilliant pavé-like sparkle with this mosaic-style embellishment.
The eighth project is impressive--literally. This episode, Christi shows you how create silicone molds and how to use ready-made texture mats to give your polymer clay beads new tactile dimension. Plus, how to emphasize depth using paint!
Get ready to dive into the ninth project with this colorful undersea design. You'll gain an ocean of knowledge as Christi shows you a quick and easy technique for adding vibrancy and depth to your pieces. Plus, resin basics, surface blending and more! Don't miss out!
The tenth project is the grand finale where all the skills from the series' previous projects come together. Follow Christi as she leads you through this sparkling assemblage of a project and shows you the last two techniques to round out your secrets to polymer clay skill set--clay 'painting' and foil crackling!
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