Design Idea PJ22
-- Designer --
Rose, Jewelry Designer, Exclusively for Fire Mountain Gems and Beads®
To learn more about Rose Wingenbach, read her jewelry artist success story here.
: : : Materials : : :
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Please take the creative opportunity to select the products of your choice for this design, offered here at Fire Mountain Gems and Beads. Some materials may not be available or listed.
Cut an arm-length of Fireline thread and add a beading needle. Add a stop bead to the end of the thread, leaving a 10-inch tail.
Pick up 19 frosted cantaloupe seed beads. These will create rows 8 and 9 of the pattern, the first two full rows.
Following the Peyote Focal Rows, pick up the first bead of row 10, skip the first bead of row 8 and pass through the first bead of row 9. Continue to add all the beads of row 10. (This is an odd count peyote stitch.)
At the end of row 10, string the last bead then pass the needle through the bead directly below it. Continue through the next two adjacent seed beads. Pass back through the seed bead directly above where you exited.
Continue down through the next two seed beads (diagonally), exiting the last seed bead in the previous row, then pass through the first seed bead directly above it once more. Continue the normal peyote stitch starting with the second bead in row 11.
Row 11 will continue in the typical peyote stitch, exiting the last bead in the row. There is no need to repeat Step 4, just string a new bead and continue to stitch row 12.
At the end of the next (12th) row, instead of passing the needle through the bead directly below (Step 4), pass the needle through the loop of thread at the end of the previous row and pass back through the bead you just added (instead of the turn-around technique in Step 4).
Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for rows 13 – 20.
Begin reducing the peyote stitch for rows 21 – 27.
Tip: See How to Create Increasing and Decreasing Even-Count Peyote Stitches to information on how to reduce peyote stitch.
Pass randomly through the stitched focal to secure the thread, exiting the center bead of the last row.
Pass through a jump ring and the bead several times, pulling tight.
Pass back through the stitched focal to secure the thread. If preferred, tie a small knot for additional security. Trim the thread.
Remove the stop bead at the beginning of row 8 and add a beading needle to the tail.
Use reducing peyote stitch to add rows 7 – 1.
Pass through the stitched focal to secure the thread. If preferred, tie a small knot for additional security. Trim the thread.
Cut an arm-length of thread and add a beading needle. Tie the end of the thread to the beading hoop.
Pick up two rainbow iris seed beads. Pass through the beading hoop, then through the second seed bead in the same direction. (This is circular brick stitch.)
Pick up one rainbow iris. Pass through the beading hoop and through the bead again. Continue using brick stitch to add 23 total beads along the beading hoop.
Pick up the following seed beads:
Pick up one 3mm bicone and three #15 gold-plated seed beads. Pass back through the bicone, the seed beads added above, and the brick-stitched rainbow iris seed bead.
Pass back through the next brick-stitched seed bead.
Repeat to add a fringe to each brick-stitched bead, changing the pattern of the fringe as desired.
After adding the last fringe pass in and out of the brick stitched beads to secure the thread. Tie a small knot if desired, then trim.
Close and secure the beading hoop.
Attach the jump ring of the peyote stitched focal to the inner loop of the beading hoop.
Use a new jump ring to attach an earstud to the top loop of the beading hoop.
The pieces featured in the Gallery of Designs are copyrighted designs and are provided for inspiration only. We encourage you to substitute different colors, products and techniques to make the design your own.
All works of authorship (articles, videos, tutorials and other creative works) are from the Fire Mountain Gems and Beads® Collection, and permission to copy is granted for non-commercial educational purposes only. All other reproduction requires written permission. For more information, please email