From baking cookies and hanging stockings to putting up house lights and decorating a tree--the holidays are almost nothing but traditions. Why not add to your list of Christmas traditions using your beads and jewelry-making supplies, and have more fun together?
One of the traditions in my family is each person gets one brand-new ornament every year. Some have been bought at craft fairs, some have been made by family, some have been inheritances we were finally old enough to handle. Year to year, those ornaments filled the tree, making memories. When I finally had a home of my own (and a tree of my own), those ornaments came with me to start my own holiday traditions. From beaded candy canes to ''DIY Christmas Ornaments,'' beads and jewelry-making supplies embellish my holidays.
They can embellish yours, too. Here's how:
s you might expect, this is a favorite of mine! Kids can participate in this, if they've got adult supervision and are using kid-appropriate beads and glues.
There are tons of other ornaments you can make using bead embroidery, loomwork and other techniques.
The seed beaders, fabric embellishers and wireworkers have a home advantage with this category:
Mixing the three (seed beads, fabric and wirework)? Pure holiday magic!
Well, of course you could make gifts! There's nothing wrong with making them to spec, with your giftee right in the room, either.
In my family, St. Nicholas' Night (December 5th), was when that right jolly old elf came to our house to pick up our letters to Santa. That meant our stockings had to go up and the banister needed to be decorated. You can do the same--or just exchange some "stocking gifts"--as we did when we got older.
Don't forget about making holiday cards and wine charms, too!
Build your family traditions with a beading or jewelry-making session sometime during the season. Then you can decorate and embellish your holidays with your family, instead of worrying about getting it all done before they arrive!
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