Is Someone Giving You the ''Evil Eye''?

The term "warding off the evil eye" represents fear of destructive energies that arise from negative emotions like jealousy, hatred and envy. The term giving someone the "evil eye'" references a certain look that a person may give to cause bad luck for the person whom it is directed at. We have probably all seen that look sometime in our life.

How do some people believe is the best way to counteract it? Wear the Hand of Fatima, a palm-shaped amulet that is commonly depicted as either an open right hand or a hand with two symmetrical thumbs. Fatima was the daughter of the prophet Muhammad.

The hand can be worn facing up or down. It is thought to protect the wearer from the ''evil eye'' and bring the owner happiness, luck, health and good fortune.

Commonly known as ''The Hamsa Hand,'' the ''Hand of Fatima,'' ''The Hand of Miriam'' and even also referred to as ''God's Hand in the Earth,'' this symbol is regarded as an antidote to negative energies. In all faiths, it is a protective sign. The word ''Hamsa'' comes from the Hebrew word ''hamesh'' which means 5—each finger representing a different attribute.

Throughout time, religious and esoteric concepts have been expressed through symbols, as words were not always the best way to preserve the concept, since they could lose their meaning over time through interpretation.

There are many designs using this amulet which can be incorporated into earrings, bracelets, necklaces or a single pendant. Crystal Passions® crystals came out with a faceted Fatima hand stone, which is stunning. Create your own design using Crystal Passions crystals, cloisonné, a variety of metals or wood choices.

Fire Mountain Gems and Beads carries several items representing the Hand of Fatima. You'll find components in sterling silver for use as a pendant, drops and bead frames that you can add your own beads to. The design ideas are open to endless possibilities.

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