How to Use French Wire with Thread

Gold and silver French wire

Use French wire to protect the thread from abrading as it passes over the loop on the clasp.


Step 1

Cut a length of thread, 12 inches longer than the desired finished length of your design. Add the needle to one end.

Step 2

Cut two, 1/2 inch lengths of French wire.

Step 3
thread with french wire, leaving 3-inch tail

String the first bead in your design, one piece of French wire and the loop on one half of the clasp. Pass the needle back through the bead and pull the thread so there is a tail of thread about 3 inches long.

Step 4
Using adhesive on the knot

Make a knot below the bead using the tail thread and the working thread. 

Optional: Dot the knot with G-S Hypo Cement. Let dry, then trim any excess thread from the tail.

Step 5
Adding french wire to other end of design

After stringing the remaining beads in your design, add the second piece of French wire and the loop on the other half of the clasp. Pass the needle back through the last bead.

Step 6
Adding adhesive to final knot

Pull the thread, taking out any remaining slack. Make a half-hitch knot. Repeat, making a double knot. 

Optional: Dot the knot with G-S Hypo Cement. Let dry, then trim the excess thread close to the knot.

Half-Hitch Knot

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