Ask the Experts Using Story Cards to Sell Jewelry Q&A

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My work will be sold in a gallery, but I won't be there to sell it. I'd like to include some information that prospective buyers can read. What's the best way to do that?

- Christine

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Use a "story card." A story card is a small card, approximately the size of a business card, that contains informative copy about you, your jewelry, what types of components you use and what inspires you. Some people use both sides of the card; others make a small folder that elegantly tells their story. Use paper stock and a design that matches your jewelry in terms of quality and style. Attach a card to each piece of jewelry using colored thread or nice ribbon. You would be surprised at how much information will fit on a small card and it's an excellent "silent salesperson" when you can't be there!

- Dr. David Weiman