Ask the Experts Holiday Gift Planning Q&A

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When preparing for the holidays, how far out should I be presenting holiday designs? Thanks for your help.

- Cara

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It is best to start selling for the holidays at least 12-14 weeks ahead, especially for the Christmas season. If this seems like too much, consider putting your holiday designs out on display, but maybe not front and center. And rather than decorating to the nines in August, start with a sign here and there reminding people of their "gift list."

When it's about 10 weeks out, begin to focus more on the holiday designs, and start decorating the cases and your store with a more holiday-themed look. And don't forget the packaging! Consider changing your everyday boxes, tissue and bags to be holiday themed. This extra touch tells your customers you appreciate them and value the choice they made. It might even bring them back when they're looking for that perfect necklace to wear to the office party.

- Tammy Honaman, Author, Jewelry-Making Expert and Educator