Brandy Bruder

Meet the Designer-Artist

Where do you live?

Pelham, Alabama

What inspires you as a designer-artist?

Generally my jewelry is abstract and designed for the stone. I enjoy the liberty of allowing each design to progress as it will, and often the piece develops very differently than I envisioned. I will make the occasional heart or cross, but I prefer to work without a pattern or plan. It's very tedious for me to duplicate a design I've already created.

What medium do you work with mostly?

Copper wire and gemstones or natural stones.

Do you have an artistic background?

I have numerous creative hobbies. I began sewing at a young age and tried seed beading and macrame for a while. I quilt and crochet, I enjoy woodworking/home renovation, and I occasionally create charcoal art or paintings. I still do all those things in between wrapping wire.

How did you discover Fire Mountain Gems and Beads®?

When I began making wire wrapped jewelry, I purchased my supplies at craft stores. I had to go to different stores to find the various equipment and supplies required. I began searching online for a one-stop source and found Fire Mountain. The service is outstanding and swift and I can economically fund my bead addiction.

Why did you become enchanted with this style of jewelry-making?

I've used various media and I like trying new techniques. I thought I would try to make the wire wrapped rings I saw on Pinterest. I intended only to make a few for myself and my friends, but I soon graduated to pendants and amassed a collection of pieces. A coworker suggested I sell on Etsy and my hobby became a second job. Wire work can easily be set aside and picked up again at my convenience. Nothing will unravel in the interim, I don't have to wait for anything to dry or cure, and it does not require a large workspace or expensive tools.

Where and How do you sell your jewelry?

I sell primarily from my Etsy shop, Buy the Place with Beads. I struggled to conceive a witty title for my shop, and the few clever ideas I proposed were already in use. I'm a Bob Dylan fan, so I borrowed a line of his to inspire my shop's name. I encourage custom orders, and I particularly enjoy when the customer gives me a very general concept for the piece and allow me the freedom to create a one of a kind piece for him or her.

What is the name of the piece you submitted with your success story?


How did it come together?

Each piece is inspired by the stone(s) used. I had some redline marble in my bead stash and red agate that complemented it. I wanted it to be monochromatic but elaborate. My designs begin with a very broad concept of the shape I want and maybe some wrapping techniques I'd like to incorporate. This piece is considerably larger than those in my shop and took 85 hours to complete. I don't typically name my work, but the red agate in Persimmons reminded me of the wild persimmon tree in the yard of my childhood home.