Beaded Backstitch


A stitch that is used often in bead embroidery is the backstitch. This stitch is used to frame the components adhered to the beading medium.


Step 1
Step 1

Pass the needle up through the Lacy's Stiff Stuff™, string on two seed beads (you can use more if you would like). Lay the beads along the edge of the cabochon then pass the needle back down through the Lacy's Stiff Stuff right at the end of the last bead strung.

Step 2
Step 2

Pass the needle back up from the underside of the beadwork where your first bead was strung.

Step 3
Step 3

Pass your needle through the beads already strung, exiting the last bead.

Step 4
Step 4

String on two new beads, lay them against the cabochon and tight up against the first two beads stitched into place. Pass the needle down through the foundation against the last bead just strung.

Step 5
Step 5

Come back up between the 1st and 2nd beads originally strung, pass through the 2nd, 3rd and 4th beads again, and string on two more beads.

Continue on in this manner until you have stitched a complete row around the cabochon. Adjust the amount of beads used in the last backstitch so the beads lie in a row; if you string too many they will "pop" up or out of the row.

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