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The Fun of Gemstone Inclusions
The Fun of Gemstone Inclusions
The rainbow in an opal, the jardin of an emerald, the shimmering asterisk in a star sapphire—learn why gemologists call these "phenomena" or "inclusions" instead of "flaws."
Ask the Experts Gemstones/Druzy Q&A
Ask the Experts Gemstones/Druzy Q&A
Q: What on earth is druzy and what is druzy quartz and blue lace agate druzy? Merriam-Webster on-line does not recognize the word druzy.
Ask the Experts Cleaning Q&A
Ask the Experts Cleaning Q&A
Q: I bought some lovely white agate nugget beads. However, many of them look like their edges are dirty. Can you tell me the best way to clean these beads?
Crazy Lace Agate
Crazy Lace Agate
A relatively young stone found exclusively in Northern Mexico, crazy lacy agate is known not only for its stunning banded patterns, but its powerful healing energies.
Fossil Agate
Fossil Agate
Agate gemstones, especially fossil agate with its visible ties to the past in the form of fossilized life inside, have a deep connection to the Earth.
Botswana Agate
Botswana Agate
The most royal of agates, Botswana agate is famed for its extra-fine banding of white, black, shades of grey and occasional touches of pink or salmon hues.
Green Agate
Green Agate
According to modern healers who use gemstones, green agate increases compassion, generosity and mental as well as emotional flexibility.
Moss Agate
Moss Agate
It's no surprise that moss agate's plant-like filaments affect the perceived metaphysical properties of the stone. Moss agate is said to encourage tranquility and emotional balance.
Tree Agate
Tree Agate
Just as dappled forests may bring calmness, it's said tree agate can bring a sense of peace and inner tranquility to those who wear jewelry featuring the gemstone.
White Agate
White Agate
White agate is believed to be a stone of balance and release. According to metaphysical beliefs, this agate gemstone helps harmonize feminine and masculine sides.
Fossil Coral
Fossil Coral
Fossil coral is a natural gemstone created when prehistoric coral is gradually "agatized." It stands to reason, according to metaphysical beliefs, fossil coral can help bring about change.
Blue Agate
Blue Agate
Like many other variations of agate, the color in blue agate is most often achieved through dyeing, although some blue agate, such as "Holley blue agate" occur naturally.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate
Agate gemstones were originally used as amulets of healing. With its soft blue color, it's no surprise blue lace agate is said to be a soothing stone, too.
Various types of colored quartz, usually with a milky appearance, including carnelian, agate, cat's eye and jasper.
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