Design Idea L92A
-- Designer --
LauraLynn, Jewelry Designer, Exclusively for Fire Mountain Gems and Beads®
To learn more about LauraLynn, read her jewelry artist success story here.
: : : Materials : : :
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Please take the creative opportunity to select the products of your choice for this design, offered here at Fire Mountain Gems and Beads. Some materials may not be available or listed.
Cut a 6-foot length of FireLine® thread.
Tie a knot around the outer loop of the one earring, between the top and bottom of the heart. Leave an approximately 2-inch tail. Add a beading needle to the working end.
String two candy apple red #11 rounds onto the thread.
Position the seed beads so they lay flat against the earring (similar to a ladder stitch) then wrap the thread once around the earring. Pass the needle back through the last seed bead added in the opposite direction then string on one candy apple red #11 round. Wrap the thread once around the earring then pass the needle back through the seed bead in the opposite direction. Pull tight.
Repeat Step 4 to create a row of 23 candy apple red seed beads.
Thread two candy apple red #11 rounds onto the beading needle. Pass the needle around the thread between the 21st and 22nd seed beads from the first row. Pass the beading needle back through the last seed bead added in the opposite direction. Pull tight.
Tip: For more information, view the Brick Stitch video in our ''Stitching and Wireworking Techniques'' tutorial.
Thread one candy apple red #11 round onto the beading needle then pass the beading needle around the thread between the 20th and 21st seed bead from the first row. Pull tight.
Repeat Step 7 to create a second row of candy apple red seed beads. End the row with one less seed bead so the row tapers down in size.
Repeat the brick stitch technique to add two more rows of orange #11 rounds.
After exiting the last orange seed bead from the fourth row, thread three yellow #11 rounds onto the beading needle. Pass the needle around the thread between the 2nd and 3rd orange seed beads from the fourth row.
Thread three yellow #11 rounds onto the beading needle then pass the needle around the thread between the 4th and 5th orange seed beads from the fourth row.
Repeat the pattern from Steps 10 and 11 to add a row of yellow fringe.
Pass the beading needle up through the last orange seed bead from the fourth row and through 3 - 4 adjacent seed beads to secure the thread. Trim excess thread from both ends.
Repeat Steps 2 - 13 to create a second earring.
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The pieces featured in the Gallery of Designs are copyrighted designs and are provided for inspiration only. We encourage you to substitute different colors, products and techniques to make the design your own.
All works of authorship (articles, videos, tutorials and other creative works) are from the Fire Mountain Gems and Beads® Collection, and permission to copy is granted for non-commercial educational purposes only. All other reproduction requires written permission. For more information, please email