Ask the Experts Tennis Bracelet Stringing Material Q&A

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I saw a tennis bracelet pattern in a Bead and Button book. I have made quite a few of them for gifts for my family although I used 6mm bicone crystals instead of the 4mm the instructions called for. The best one I've made so far was for myself, it was made using 6mm crystal AB. What I'm asking you is this: The pattern calls for mono filament beading thread. I am wondering if this line is going to get cut using the bicone crystals? Also, the pattern calls for a box clasp, mine keeps coming apart every time I wear it--what else can I use instead?

- Connie

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Monofilament will work for crystals but isn't the strongest material you can use and is subject to breaking over time. We recommend stringing crystal designs with Accu-Flex® Professional Quality Beading Wire. It is very durable and holds up to the edges of the crystals.

Check your box clasp. Sometimes the tab gets compressed too much and just needs to be expanded a bit to stay inside the box half better.

We have a lot of chains available that you can add to your clasp as a safety chain. Cut a small portion from a length of bulk chain that matches your design and connect to your clasp using a suitable size jump ring.

Extender chains can also suit the purpose of safety chains depending on the design of your piece.