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Secrets to Seed Beading
Secrets to Seed Beading
Join Rose in our Secrets to Seed Beading series, where she demonstrates a range of bead stitches and techniques that will enhance your jewelry-making abilities.
Ergonomics for Beaders
Ergonomics for Beaders
Ergonomics is the actions and equipment designed to prevent injury to the human body. This article explains why beaders and jewelry makers need to consider how repetitive motion, vibration and awkward posture can affect their health, productive ability and enjoyment of their craft.
The unit of weight used for precious stones. One carat equals one-fifth of a gram. Also a measurement of fitness in gold. Pure gold is expressed as 24Kt.The term ''carat'' dates back to the traders of the ancient world. A standard weight was required for precious gems as merchants of the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East were dependent on the ability to trade with a reasonably consistent unit of measurement. It was this need that led to the adoption of seeds and grains as widespread units of measurement.The carob seed and the wheat grain, both of which had been used for food purposes were found to be ideal units of weight. For centuries the carob seed remained the weight measurement for precious gems. By the Middle Ages, however, changes in the trade routes had occurred and large centers of trade were now found within Europe. The carat, as it had become known, became linked to 4 grains Troy weight, with the carob seed having been abandoned at some point during the shift of trade centers. The Troy carat was the equivalent of approximately 205 milligrams. This measurement of weight lasted for the carat until the 20th century. It was between 1907-1914 that the carat was married to the metric system of weights. By 1914 the United States officially abandoned the former Troy measurement of 205.3 milligrams for the carat, and adopted the current metric carat measurement of 200 milligrams.
Sodalite is sometimes considered a guardian for heroes and heroines with the ability to unite logic with intuition and the drive for truth with the rise of idealism. Plus it's gorgeous!
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz
Smoky quartz is said to be a protection stone and prized by those who use gems for metaphysical purposes for its ability to ward off stress and encourage resolution to difficult situations.
Each septarian specimen is unique with an ancient quality that makes them a joy to use in jewelry. They look fantastic and have a plethora of beneficial metaphysical abilities, too.
Vesuvianite jewelry has been used as a gift to newlyweds due to its connotations as a cooperative stone that facilitates awareness of one's heart and an ability to express love.
With "angel" in its name, it's no surprise soft-blue angelite gemstones have perceived metaphysical abilities related to improving spirituality and bringing about a peaceful energy.
If Cuprite had a theme song, it would be "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor since this intriguing green and deep-red gemstone is the stone of survival due to its metaphysical abilities.
Feldspar comprises almost 60% of the Earth's crust, which makes feldspar the most common mineral. While it may be abundant, feldspar's metaphysical abilities are anything but ordinary.
Claire Kern
Claire Kern
A long spiritual quest has resulted in interesting compositions of subjects such as sea creatures, hearts, angels, peace signs and crystals. I discovered that I have the ability to create beautiful necklaces from great and varied materials which bring joy to many ladies.
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