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Alisha Butler
Alisha Butler
Jewelry-making has never been a full-time career, though I once worked full-time managing a bead store and taught jewelry-making classes
Linda Vizcaino-Rivera
Linda Vizcaino-Rivera
I never knew that I could or would enjoy creating beautiful pieces of jewelry. Hence, the name given to my jewelry business: Created by Grace Designs.
Julie Anstaett
Julie Anstaett
Everything I see inspires me! Really, I am constantly looking at shapes and colors and trying to figure out how to translate it into polymer clay. I am inspired by other artists, other jewelry pieces, and sometimes just staring out the window in my workroom is inspiring! Never knock daydreaming.
Dianne Linderman
Dianne Linderman
My whole life, people have tried to tell me that my ideas and dreams would never work, and that I should stick to a safe job. Society sets people up to believe that just getting a secure job is what we all should seek; everyone except for my father, who has the simple belief that, in America, you can be whatever your heart desires and you can teach yourself anything. My father's life's adventures have been an inspiration to me.
Anna Marie Green
Anna Marie Green
I started making my own jewelry because I could never find the right piece that I needed in the store to match my
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